About Me

My photo
My ex boyfriend actually created this blog for me as an outlet. Now he's created an addict. So about me. I recently moved out of the paternal nest, now living not too far away from the comforts of home but far enough for independence. My best and worst feature is that i adore change. As a result, nothing really stays the same for too long. This includes my hair. My ideas are changing everyday... and so i'll probably want to delete this in an hour. Note: This is the revised version

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Don't feel like doing much

I wish i did. its a beautiful day. i'm free as a bird. birds are pretty damn free.

i should go out on an adventure, explore this city which i hardly explored growing up. Or i could google it from my desk?

Monday 29 September 2008

Time to kick back

All those things in the past that you can't change. Just let go.
They're done. Gone-ske.

Photographer: Annie Leibowitz Model: Whoopi Goldberg

Traveler dreaming

I have the urge to go traveling by myself. Get a ticket and find my way. (And look JUST like Gemma Ward as i do it)

She is a GENIUS

So today I read:
"Planning for the future is escapism" -Jenny Holzer

This made me realize why i feel the need to constantly change, reinvent myself (and why anyone and everyone is obsessed with the concept of the 'make-over'). Its because:

a) Prevents me from having to deal with the consequences of all my stupid actions (theres plenty)
b) Allows me to blame my faults on the other, older me.
c) It entertains me when bored

And yes, making that change for a better future is a form of escapism.

That Jenny Holzer sure was onto something. I don't know what I'm going to do with this information. I guess with some knowledge you're just meant to put it in a pipe and smoke it.

And they wonder why kids smoke?

Its because these are pretty damn cool.


I feel as though i kinda just let go. For the past few months i've been locked in a certain mindset, mentally attached to someone who i physically and socially was not attached to. By the end, we weren't even emotionally as attached. I don't think.

The point is, right now i feel like i'm moving on. I so needed this.
Strangely enough the epiphany came as i realized that i didn't mind whether or not he read this. By that i mean, i didn't need him to read this blog. so...

If you ever read this, thanks for tonight and for it all. I'm lucky to have had and to have such a friend. And i really think you taught me a lot. Now we can just start a new little chapter. Same, same but different. We're probably going to move in different directions now, i don't think anything will turn out the way we've planned it in our future plans (we'll be in other places). So then, this is a proper goodbye. I feel one which is semi appropriate. Seeing as this blog was your present to me. Much love, always, muchly, greatly- Cub.


Even when there isn't anything to be done, i always kinda feel as though i should be doing something. Perhaps its just that i should be more productive than i am being right now..

I am currently being anti-productive. non-productive. Productive-less.

How about i deal with all the crap tomorrow? (always tomorrow)

Right now, i got the warm summer sun, ipod speakers blaring, a pile of magazines which i can flip through at my whimsy...

maybe not.... My ex boyfriend just called. yes thats right. EX. we're still close. and by close i mean. I don't know what i mean. But the point is, he just called and now i'm going to go meet up with him. This could be interesting. Stay tuned in to see what happens.

So much for the first image. not applicable anymore. perhaps this will do.

Sunday 28 September 2008

I smile to myself.

There are so many options to take.
Sometime this is a good thing, other times its simply too much.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. so many things i have to do, to achieve, to seek, to understand...
How are we meant to ever get it all right at the exact same time?

Every so often there are moments, where we smile to ourselves and think that at that exact moment, life is good. very good. But its only ever for a moment. a few minutes or an hour. A day perhaps. I've had months of those times, only to learn that i simply been sailing in a blissful sea of ignorance.

If i were given the option of a red, or green pill like in the Matrix, I think i'd take the red. And live happily. Naive but happy. Because after all, aren't those moments of happiness what we live for?

I've just got home, heels embarrassingly in my hand...

Nights out can start one way.

And end in a completely different way.

(It's merely an observation)

Saturday 27 September 2008


Just got back from a relaxing weekend at my family's river side house.
This place is situated in the smallest suburb in the city. So secluded.

Limited phone reception. Although that might sound terrifying, its wondrous. The perfect excuse to have alone time, which hardly happens nowadays. I'm now a little more refreshed and a whole lot more tanned.

mmm. Soak it up.

Friday 26 September 2008

Super charged.

I feel like taking over the world. Cleopatra (and Elizabeth Taylor) style.

Thursday 25 September 2008


Finishing an assignment right now.
Seems like its going to be the death of me.

Thought Kat Deeley personifies my fieriness right here.
Although, i'm currently not fitted out in a leather kit.

(i have 800 words to go, and running on 30 mins sleep)

Sometimes we just shouldn't care

I watched the sunrise over the sea this morning.
Why ? because i was still awake from the night before. My friends and i all crammed onto my bed, peering out my window.

Perhaps i was a little reckless. But you know what? I don't think it's a bad thing. Today i feel better than i have in long time.

I'm back at my parents home tonight. And instead of feeling my usual guilt, I feel damn good.

Wednesday 24 September 2008


Im holding out for Uni to end.

One more week.

And then we'll be happy and free.

No more need to think up excuses while we procrastinate.
O, couldn't possibly work today, i was far too:
a) Tired
b) Busy watching tv, playing on the net
c) Determined to clean every crevice of my apartment- a job i've been postponing for months but that suddenly seems like the better option.

By the way, in case you didn't realize
I'm procrastinating right now.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Black and White

Its been an emotional day.

Today it occurred to me, in a lecture (where any good day dreaming takes place)

The successes that result from pushing oneself, are far more rewarding than the numbness of laziness

Behavior of happy people

This is a very good friend of mine, Brinley (common Irish boys name). We went adventuring in the local park. It was a crisp, sunny autumn morning. We took a picnic basket, blanket and goodies. School was drawing to an end so we were in high spirits. Happiness.


Personally, the convention of the nude in art is a favorite of mine. It is sensuous, flawed yet perfect. Nudes can be depicted in so many ways, and understood by everyone. The human form is simply timeless. The ultimate, i think is when the subject is the artists muse. Whether it urged on by lust, love or appreciation, the message always translates.

Anderson' s 'Reclining Nude with Red Drape'
I don't think i need to explain why this painting is beautiful.
Simply, sometimes its what you don't show...

'The Death of Sardanarpalus' (1827) is the work of Delacroix, a French Romanticist. Based on Lord Byrons play Sardanarpalus. After hearing that military defeat was near the Sardanaparlus ordered the destruction of the possessions and the murder of his followers. Sardanarpalus sits watching apathetically. Once everything, everyone has been destroyed, he will end his own life. The colours are vivid, very passionate and exciting.

I remember seeing this artwork in hanging in the Lourve (one of the reasons i feel in love with France). I remember splitting from my parents. I found myself standing in a room with inconceivably high ceilings and with walls that were coated in a rich red paint. The Romanticist room.

I stood gazing at this image. Staring through the chinese tourists passing by. I saw every detail, every colour, all the textures and broad brush strokes. Delacroix really had a beautiful mind.

Clearly Largerfeld can laugh

I find this image Laugh out loud funny.
It leads me to believe that beneath the cold black-&-white exterior of the design king Karl Largerfeld, there is a sits a sense of humor (dormant, but its still there). Maybe i've misinterpreted it and this is the new Chanel clutch?

"Damn, this is the best $4,000 teddy/clutch/recognition i have ever bought!"

Monday 22 September 2008


I'm absoloutley in love with these photos.
They were taken in Russia by Krisatomic. Russia is high on my list of places to see and do. But i especially love the second image because it shows how everyday things can be beautiful, even railway cables.

Sunday 21 September 2008

Laura Kicey's Apartments

She superimposes different architecture images upon one another. The effect is pretty awesome. I'd love to walk past this building.

Today has felt like its gone on forever. Not in a bad way, simply lengthy.

Its actually been quite a successful day (i.e. i've been able to knock a few items off the 'To-Do' list)

Glass of wine perhaps? I really learnt nothing from uni.


I appreciate irony. For instance, right now i'm writing an essay arguing why young people should not drink alcohol. But in about two hours i'll be out with my friends drinking. (what can i say, I'm very enthusiastic? I take my research very seriously?. Alright perhaps it won't be too convincing. Can someone smell a FF?

I'm sick as a dog at the moment. But thats given me time (and an excuse) to spend hours of leisurely time doing as i please.
Found some images though that made me feel a little better.

Friday 19 September 2008


The 1st, 2nd and 3rd are images of graffiti art I took while in Tel Aviv
4th image is one of seven works i did for my major work
The 5th is an avant card i saw and kinda liked

Sunday 14 September 2008

Spring Rooms

Just a collection of some old shots i was really into.

Who'd have thought to use the faded green with canary yellow accent? Genius.

I once read a color theory book advising us to put a color wheel in all our wardrobes.

I tried it. Sadly it didn't work.
(Apparently you need to actually own clothes in colors other than black. But who would have guessed?!