About Me

My photo
My ex boyfriend actually created this blog for me as an outlet. Now he's created an addict. So about me. I recently moved out of the paternal nest, now living not too far away from the comforts of home but far enough for independence. My best and worst feature is that i adore change. As a result, nothing really stays the same for too long. This includes my hair. My ideas are changing everyday... and so i'll probably want to delete this in an hour. Note: This is the revised version

Thursday 11 December 2008


Being inspired without an outlet, is like being at the snow without skis.


When told to imagine myself in a calm state, i come to this place.
Theres something about floating

Taking things to the next level: Is Art

I have too many photos for my own good, thought id share

Grunge and rebellion

i could go for some of this right now


Poster child

If there were to be a right way to do plastic surgery, Jessica Biel is the perfect example.
Apparently Justin Timberlake proposed to her recently.
There'd be cute kids to eventuate, don't you think?

Eva is.

Eva is a Cuban beauty
She is glamour, She is sex

Use only the best notes

Nothing against MK, But ashely's style is top notch.


I'd like to reintroduce my self, my name is hovva.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Oh, and my post on october 24th was lame.

Study Time

Im meant to be studying, but suddenly it is now the perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning. I've become a talented procrastinator, and bullshitter extroadinaire. So good in fat, that i may just pass Chemistry and Biomed. Fingers crossed.

Internet can obviously sense that i need to study more, as it wont let me upload any more photos. ill take the hint

Friday 24 October 2008

Kaleidoscope eyes

I took a little break from it all.

But now I'm back and happy to be back.
Lets get this show back on the road

Sunday 12 October 2008


So i got a new TV. Thats good
But now i have to re-arrange all my bookshelves. Thats bad.
It'll be good once its done. Thats good.

Im going to stop now.

Stronger voman

I've started running again.

I'm stiff in every single muscle i have, but im feeling a lot stronger and already can run for an hour again.

Thursday 9 October 2008

Fill in Photo. Thanks Dan.

This is my good friend Dani. She's true Aussie girl through and through. This picture always makes me think of a beautiful island resort, with crystal blue water and the likes. Too good. With Summer coming up. Its pretty perfect.

I also thought id upload this because i have nothing profound or of any interest to write.

I'm going blonde- They have more fun.

Monday 6 October 2008

Jean Kerr wrote in 1957

"The beauty Editors will have you believe that when you're thin you are so tasty and desirable that strange men will pinch you at the self-service store and your husband will not only follow you around the kitchen breathing heavily, but will stop and smother you with kisses as you try to put the butter back in the icebox"

50 Years Ago

No-one had heard of Aids

Hula hoops were all the rage

The only shot you drank was Tequila

"Dolly" was a Barbie, not a cloned sheep

Big Macs didn't exist

Cigarette Advertising was everywhere!

Hi, Hey, Hello

Finally starting to feel like my old self again. Yipee ki ya.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Gemma Ward


I want to be STUPID

Don't feel like playing it safe.
Wish i could just run away for a while a be a little crazy. a little rock'n'roll. Why not?

One half-woman, One half-dream

Hilary Rhoda


"you wait, little girl, on an empty stage
for fate to turn the light on;
your life, little girl, is an empty page
that men will want to write on."

From The Sound of Music, "Sixteen Going on Seventeen".
Sung by the Dancing Nazi in the gazebo.

Strangely this is one of my favorite all time scenes in a movie, and yet i only now understand what it means.

Friday 3 October 2008

Today's Topic: The weather

Its storming violently outside. A tropical storm.

And i'm just about ready to fall asleep.

(thats a pretty bad tropical storm picture, eh?)

Apparently i need to adjust my headlights (my car's)

So i just had a blow up with one of my brothers. Arguments are always offset by the smallest issue. Tonight it was about me needing to adjust my car head lights. But once we were both heated up other things inevitably came out. Like "Ever since you're moved out you act as though...". (a little off the point). That got me wanting to complain about the way he treats me in general. Completely unrelated and something i never knew got to me as much as it clearly does.

Now that its been surfaced, i am highly aware of the way he does talk to me. And it'll get to me till i say something or it changes.

And... normally its the siblings against the parents. No. Guess not. Its different now that we're older

What if he's right? Maybe i am stubborn? --mmm. We're both a little right. i shouldn't have spoken over the top of him but, he is always either lecturing me or needing something off me. Thats it.

I've moved out for almost a year, and he hasn't seen my place. He has NO idea where i am. He does plan to come see my place next month... The catch is, him and his mate need a place to sleep when they go to a nearby concert. So i have to vacate. Damn.

I'm just not used to fighting. My last fight was in... April? 7 months. Thats not too bad i guess.

Vogue 2007

Simply Summer.