About Me

My photo
My ex boyfriend actually created this blog for me as an outlet. Now he's created an addict. So about me. I recently moved out of the paternal nest, now living not too far away from the comforts of home but far enough for independence. My best and worst feature is that i adore change. As a result, nothing really stays the same for too long. This includes my hair. My ideas are changing everyday... and so i'll probably want to delete this in an hour. Note: This is the revised version

Sunday 9 November 2008

Oh, and my post on october 24th was lame.

Study Time

Im meant to be studying, but suddenly it is now the perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning. I've become a talented procrastinator, and bullshitter extroadinaire. So good in fat, that i may just pass Chemistry and Biomed. Fingers crossed.

Internet can obviously sense that i need to study more, as it wont let me upload any more photos. ill take the hint